What's been happening at Bradway?

Monday 08 Oct 2018

It has been a great half term so far with many exciting activities taking place. Both our boys' and our girls' Year 5 and 6 football teams have got through to the Sheffield finals of an English Schools Football Association competition. In other news we have had Forest Schools sessions with Tom on Wednesdays which have been very well received by the children involved. Classes are also having regular Philosophy For Children sessions in which they are asking questions such as 'is being artistic inherited or is it something you learn?' Parents are being invited to attend sessions to see what happens first hand  so look out for an invite for your child's class. Feedback from a recent session was very positive:  'Great opportunity to get all the children involved in discussions, sharing views and ideas. Very enjoyable session. Good to see children enjoying learning.'
We've still got three weeks to go so there's plenty of time for more wonderful learning to happen.