More success!

Monday 04 Dec 2017

The stars of the week have to be the sportshall athletics team who absolutely smashed their second round on Thursday, coming 2nd and qualifying for the Sheffield finals with Greenhill. Everyone improved from the first round and the baton changeovers were incredible! You should all be very proud. This means we all have to go and compete AGAIN in January!

Those who were not competing, took part in a very exciting science lesson where they got to learn about reflection by creating periscopes using cardboard boxes and mirrors. It looks like you all did a great job.

In maths, Mr Perkins' group are working on fractions, whilst Miss Svoboda's group finished the topic by looking at percentages. The children have also had a go at bar modelling, so if you don't know what that is, make sure you ask them to explain.

The scene Y6 have for the Christmas play is coming along nicely - just make sure you continue to learn the lyrics ready for the run-through on Friday and the dress rehearsal on Monday.