Bradway Primary School

Welcome to Bradway Primary

Chris Thomas

I am very pleased to welcome you to our website and to introduce myself as Headteacher at Bradway Primary School. I have been teaching since 2006 and involved in school leadership since 2017. I have two boys who, like me, love walking, mountain biking and generally being in nature. Our love of the great outdoors, along with the opportunity to join the wonderful team at Bradway Primary School, is what drove my family’s decision to relocate from Kent to Sheffield and we haven’t looked back since.

It is my belief that schools, working in close partnership with families, have a responsibility to ensure every child fulfils their potential and can go on to achieve their ambitions, whatever they may be. To this end, children need choices in life; choices that provide opportunities and choices that enable them to select their own destiny.  

A high-quality education plays a crucial role in this. It is our commitment to make sure that every child who attends Bradway Primary School receives the very best education they can delivered by caring, nurturing and motivated staff who demonstrate and model a true passion for learning. Whilst this education must secure essential skills in reading, writing and maths, it must also go far beyond this, providing the enjoyment and awe and wonder that raises aspirations and nurtures growth across the curriculum. Our school motto that ‘Everyone is good at something’ recognises the importance of a broad and balanced curriculum that provides opportunities for everyone to experience success in a truly inclusive environment.  

We also recognise the need to support children in developing their place within their communities, learning to understand others’ points of view, discussing challenging topics, disagreeing respectfully and being prepared to change their own minds. Philosophy for Children, a ‘golden thread’ that is embedded throughout our curriculum, supports the pursuit of these aims.  

Of course, education goes far beyond the classroom which is why children who attend Bradway Primary School experience a host of other activities including after school clubs, visitors and multiple residential trips. Equally, our wonderful outdoor environment and forest school helps to develop play, creativity, resilience, problem solving and life-long memories and friendships.  

None of our aims though can be achieved alone. They are dependent upon the support of the whole Bradway community, whether that be supporting your child to attend regularly, hearing them read, volunteering or supporting the school’s vision and values. It is my hope that you will always feel welcomed, respected and listened to and that your child will truly love being a pupil here.

Mr Chris Thomas
