Bradway Primary School

Our Values and Ethos

At Bradway Primary School, our curriculum is shaped by high expectations of what all pupils can achieve. The curriculum engages and inspires our children and the wider school community. It is full of varied, relevant and often exciting learning experiences, to encourage natural curiosity and provide a broad knowledge, vocabulary and transferrable life skills. 

We educate pupils to be caring, creative, collaborative and critical; we want children to be comfortable and confident in their own bodies, and to be able to communicate effectively, unafraid of taking risks or of asking challenging questions about the world in which they are growing up. 


Our Core Values 

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Love of reading 

Reading is the gateway to knowledge. Our teachers’ contagious passion for reading instils a love of literature throughout school and into the home. We inspire our children to discover their favourite authors, explore unfamiliar topics, embrace diversity, and connect with the texts they read. We prepare pupils to be fluent, lifelong readers who access books as both a source of information and for pleasure. 

P4C and Pupil Voice 

We teach our children to explore and fully understand their own and each other's ideas and opinions. Pupils are given opportunities to ask questions, listen to others and learn through philosophical discussion. Children have a voice through pupil groups and these impact on the school and the community. Community 

We engage our parents through frequent and supportive communication: offering advice, signposting to external agencies, and welcoming feedback from our families. We make links with the local area and invite visitors into school so our children have a sense of community and an understanding and appreciation of their place in the world. 


Knowing more and remembering more 

We implement a carefully sequenced curriculum to provide opportunities to revisit learning, and develop children’s metacognitive strategies to aid and improve memory. Irrespective of starting points or background, all children leave our school with solid foundations in literacy and numeracy.

Memorable Experiences 

Our belief that everyone is good at something underpins our curriculum offer. We provide a diverse range of high quality, memorable experiences that enrich the national curriculum and ensure all children have the chance to experience success. Performance and sporting opportunities are woven throughout our curriculum, alongside regular outdoor learning, trips, and residential visits. 


Wellbeing and Inclusivity 

We have created a caring and nurturing school that prioritises the wellbeing and mental health of our community. Children in receipt of pupil premium funding and those with SEND are given carefully structured support and purposeful guidance, to increase their confidence and independence. We promote inclusivity and equality; affording opportunity for all, irrespective of race, belief, gender, sexual orientation, or disability.