Bradway Primary School


Below you can find a list of our key policies. For a list of all other policies please see attached document. These policies are available in the school office. Available Policies.pdf


We are committed to providing a caring, friendly, and safe environment for all of our pupils so they can learn in a relaxed and secure atmosphere. Bullying of any kind is unacceptable at our school. If bullying does occur, all pupils should be able to tell and know that incidents will be dealt with promptly and effectively. We are a telling school. Anyone who knows that bullying is happening is expected to tell the staff.

You can download a copy of this policy here.


The absence request form can be downloaded here and completed electronically or you can print it off and hand it in to the office.

In January 2024, the Government launched a new national campaign to improve school attendance, which includes stronger measures to tackle persisent absence. They say that 'being in school has never been more valuable with standards continuing to rise. 89% of schools are now rated good or outstanding, up from 68% in 2010. We are constantly seeing the success of our reforms rising up the rankings in maths, reading and science. Just this month, England was ranked 11th in the world for maths, up from 27th in 2009, and in May, England was named ‘best in the west’ for primary reading.'

For further details you can view our attendance leaflet here

Leaflet from Sheffield Council detailing policy updates from August 2024 here

You can download a copy of this policy here.

Charging and Remission Policy

You can download a copy of this policy here.

Child Protection / Safeguarding


For further information, including policies, please click here


At Bradway Primary School we aim to put children at the centre of everything that we do – striving to ensure their safety, wellbeing and achievement at all times. We also place great importance on good relationships with our parents since if we co-operate together, we are more likely to bring out the best in your child.

Nevertheless, there may be times when you are not entirely happy with something that has occurred at school. If this is the case we very much hope that you feel able to discuss any complaint you may have with the school at the earliest possible stage. However, it is important to ensure that the emotion of the moment does not interfere with the best interest of  pupils. While parents need the opportunity to be able to express their issues and concerns to a memeber of staff, the school staff need to be able to do their work in an orderly and planned way. Consequently, although we will always do our best to see parents straight away, an appointment will often need to be made.

If you are unhappy and would like to raise a concern, initial discussions should usually be with your child's class teacher, or else with the Headteacher if you feel that this is more appropriate. All communication should be conducted in a respectful manner; the school will not tolerate abusive behaviour towards staff. 

If you are not satisfied with the school's actions following these discussions you may decide to submit a formal, written complaint, the policy and procedure for which can be found by following the link to the Sheffield City Council website (please see below).

Link to School Complaints Procedures (LA) website:

You can download a copy of this policy here.

Equality and Diversity Policy

You can download a copy of this policy here.

Freedom of Information Act

You can download a copy of this policy here.

Health and Safety Policy

You can download a copy of this policy here.

Non Smoking Policy

You can download a copy of this policy here.

Positive Behaviour

Our school promotes positive behaviour by rewarding pupils who are behaving well. By having this emphasis on 'catching children being good' all children's behaviour is improved. Developing children's understanding about acceptable behaviour and its importance in relationships and wider society is an essential outcome of the education process and a very important life skill. Our school has a central role in children's social and moral development just as it does in their academic development and consequently our curriculum reflects importance we place on educating children in these areas.

We believe that we have been successful in creating a school culture where children 'learn through enjoyment' and where pupils are happy and fulfilled. Ofsted agreed in our 2022 inspection commenting that behaviour in lessons is purposeful and that pupils rarely disrupt learning. 

You can download a copy of this policy here.

Privacy Notice/GDPR

You can download a copy of this policy here.

SEND Policy

At Bradway Primary School we welcome everybody into our community. The Staff, Governors, pupils and parents work together to make Bradway Primary School a happy, welcoming place where children and adults can achieve their full potential and develop as confident individuals.

This means that equality of opportunity must be a reality for our children. We make this a reality through the attention we pay to the different groups of children within our school family, thus providing a learning environment that enables all pupils to make the greatest possible progress and achieve their full potential in a caring, supportive and fully inclusive environment.

 For policies and further information please click here



SEND Local Offer

For policies and further information, please click here

SEND Information Report

You can download a copy of this policy here.

Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) Policy

You can download a copy of this policy here.