
The Safeguarding of children is a priority at Bradway Primary SchoolWe have created a caring and nurturing school that prioritises the safety, wellbeing and mental health of our community. All staff receive regular and up to date safeguarding training and all understand the role and part they play in safeguarding our children.

Visitors to our school comment on the calm, supportive and warm atmosphere, the respect that our pupils have for each other as well as the excellent relationships between adults and pupils.

Key People in charge of Safeguarding at Bradway Primary School: 

The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is: Annabel Wales 

The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads are: Chris Thomas and Helen Roberts

The Designated Safeguarding Lead for Under 5s – Rachael Whittaker

The Safeguarding Governor:  Mrs Lucy Shaw

If you have any concerns regarding the safety of your own or anyone else’s child, then please share your concerns with the DSL or member of our safeguarding team without delay or call the out of hours help numbers listed below.  

Out of Hours Help: 

As part of our Safeguarding Policy, we want to ensure that all parents and carers know who to contact out of school hours if they have a concern about a child’s safety at home or in the community.  

Sheffield Safeguarding Children Board run an out of hours service which is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you do have a concern, then you would need to have the information about where the child or young person normally lives so that you can speak to the correct area team. If you cannot provide this information, then you should still call & any team will respond to your enquiry in the first instance.  

For our area Out of Hours Team (5:15 pm and 8:45am) please ring 0114 273 4855 or 0114 2734491.

Policies & Procedures:

Bradway has adopted the Sheffield Safeguarding Board Policies in its role for Safeguarding/Child Protection and the links to these policies can be found below our own Safeguarding and childprotection policy.

Our Safeguarding / Child Protection policy can be found by clicking the link.  

Policies and Procedures 2021-22:


Safeguarding Practice Resources: 



How do we work to ensure your children are safe?

At Bradway we regularly deliver assemblies related to children's safety. These assemblies may be led by a member of the safeguarding team or we may invite in external visitors such as the NSPCC who recently delivered an assembly all about PANTs! We take part in Safer Internet day and plan school trips to Crucial Crew where children learn through role play about how to handle a variety of scenarios including dealing with peer pressure, first aid, internet safety and road safety awareness.

We teach children life skills including swimming and bikeability and deliver the Sheffield Computing Curriculum to teach children about the importance of online safety. Through our RSHE curriculum we teach children about healthy relationships and how to lead healthy lives.

Staff receive regular and up to date safeguarding training and meet regularly to discuss safeguarding issues and concerns.

Regular meetings are held with lunch time supervisors and all members of the school staff to share good practice and to inspect the school site.

The DSL meets regularly with the Safeguarding governor, annually completes a safeguarding report to the local authority and submits termly reports to governors.

We liase well with and welcome external professionals and agencies so we can support pupils, this maybe medical professionals to support pupils with medical needs and with allergies.We have a MAST (Multi agency Support Team) drop in session half termly that parents can attend for support around a number of areas. 

We have robust reporting systems in place to ensure information is shared in a timely manner and with the relevant staff. We use CPOMS as a way of recording safeguarding and behavioural concerns.

We work closely with you, our families, parents and carers and establish trusting and positive relationships - working together is the best way we can support your children. Parental surveys and questionnaires are sent out to help us to understand how we are doing and how we can improve. 

We organise and deliver parental workshops and seminars linked to issues raised within our school community, online safety workshops, sleep hygiene workshops and  parenting workshops have recently been put on in school.

We talk to your children - we do regular pupil questionnaires and surveys and on the whole they are very good at telling us how they feel :-) 

We use Zones of regulation language to talk about how we are feeling.

We liase with secondary schools to ensure we share information.

We liase with our school's Community Police Liason Officer so that we are aware of issues that may arise in our community to ensure we support our pupils appropriately.

We are signed up to Operation Encompass so that we can work closely with South Yorkshire Police and Social Care in the event of a domestic violence incident occuring within a family home. 

We regularly patrol our school drive and liaise with Sheffield City Council when we have concerns around parking. 


Online Safety:

Children are taught from FS2 through to Y6 using the Sheffield Computing Curriculum and through RSHE how to stay safe online and how to report online safety issues.

We regularly hold Online Safety workshops for parents and the latest presentation can be found below.

We respond to issues as they arise and work closely with parents to support pupils as they navigate their way through the online world. All parents have access to CEOP  which educate them in topics such as cyber-bullying, protecting personal data, understanding apps that your child may use, understanding social media and its risks and benefits.

Parents and carers | CEOP Education (

Helpful Websites: 

These websites may also be helpful for you to look at and contain material for both parents/carers and children.

You might also want to try some of the following child friendly quizzes & activities:

CBBC Staysafe

Safe Surfing with Doug

Online Safety

‘Share Aware’ – Resource for Parents

Share Aware, from NSPCC and O2, gives parents all the tools they need to have regular and informed conversations with their child about staying safe online. Under 20% of parents discuss online safety regularly with their children, but Share Aware wants to get every family talking about their child’s life online, just as they would their day at school. Parents can sign up to the Icebreaker email series and become an expert in their child’s online world in 6 weeks, follow the four simple steps to keeping kids safe online, watch a film ‘Safety advice from a 10 year old’ or visit Net Aware – the guide to your child’s social networks apps and games. The internet is a great place for kids to be, being Share Aware makes it safer.

Useful links for parents:

Talk PANTS & Join Pantosaurus - The Underwear Rule | NSPCC