SEND and Inclusion


Bradway Primary school is an inclusive school that welcomes learners with SEND. We recognise that pupils enhance the performance of the school, increase the expertise of the teaching staff and enrich the wider school community. The staff, governors, pupils and parents work together to make Bradway Primary School a happy, welcoming place where children can achieve their full potential whatever their starting point and develop as confident individuals. We believe that children and families feel part of something special at Bradway. They thrive because staff take time to get to know our children and their families and build meaningful, all-important relationships.  

Children are at the heart of all decisions we make, everything we do is based on the simple belief that all children will achieve highly given the right levels of support and encouragement and that each child has many talents that can be discovered and grown through our school motto of' learning through enjoyment' and 'everyone is good at something'. At times, during their school career, many children need additional help to support them with their learning. It may only be temporary, such as some extra TLC whilst recovering from an injury, or long term, such as help to develop speech and language skills. The whole team at Bradway work closely together and in partnership with parents and external professionals to meet the needs of our children and deliver the SEND Code of Practice so that each child can get the most from their time with us and reach their full potential. 

Our ambitions: 

The aims of our policy and practice at Bradway are for all to be happy, settled and to thrive in school. To achieve this we aim: 

  • To ensure the identification of all pupils requiring SEND provision as early as possible in their school career 
  • To make reasonable adjustments for those who require it by ensuring access to the curriculum, the environment and by recognising and regarding diversity positively 
  • To ensure that children and young people with SEN engage in the activities of the school alongside pupils who do not have SEN
  • To reduce barriers to progress by embedding the principles in the National Curriculum Inclusion statement and ensuring all staff have a responsibility for inclusion 
  • To use our best endeavours to secure special educational provision for pupils for whom this is required, that is “additional to and different from” that provided within the differentiated curriculum
  • To listen to and respond to parent/carer and pupil views in order to ensure high levels of confidence and partnership and to establish positive and trusting relationships
  • To ensure a high level of staff expertise to meet pupil need, through well‐targeted continuing professional development 
  • To support pupils with medical conditions to achieve full inclusion in all school activities by ensuring consultation with health and social care professionals in order to meet the medical needs of pupils
  • To work in co‐operative and productive partnership with the Local Authority and other outside agencies, to ensure inclusion and a multi-professional approach to meeting the needs of all our vulnerable learners
  • To reach high levels of achievement for all

Contact Information:  

Annabel Wales is the SENCo at Bradway Primary School and can be contacted on the following email:  

Or by telephone: 0114 2363723

Our SEND governor is Nicola Hartley and she can be contacted on the following email:

Local Offer, SEN Policy & Information Report: 

Our Local Offer, SEN policy and information report can be accessed by clicking on the links and these give a detailed overview of how we support pupils with SEND at Bradway. 

If you do have any further questions or feedback, please do get in touch as we value your views and are here to help, and to signpost to other services as required.

Meet our team:

Our amazing teachers are supported by a highly skilled team of SEN staff who work alongside your children to offer bespoke interventions and support. 

 Tracey Luke 

 Liz Prestwich 

 Lucy Perkins 

 Catherine Graveling 

 Michael Traquair 

 Sarah Talbot 

 Louise Graham  

Jessica James

What our children have to say:

'In Year 3, I came from a different school. The school helps me to catch up. I learn in a bit of a different way but that is fine; the school showed me how to do that'   Year 6 Pupil 

'When I first came here I was shy, but now I have a best friend. I learnt skills to do this.' Year 2 Pupil 

What our parents have said:

'Every time I hear or see these things I thank our lucky stars for you, Catherine and the teachers at Bradway. I never had to be 'that parent'. I always felt it was a collaboration between us and school because we were on the same page in wanting the best for our child. As a consequence he had the best start in his education, he is in the right secondary school placement and so has the best chance for achieving his ambitions. I really can't thank you all enough and will feel grateful to you for my whole life, no exaggeration. Don't underestimate the difference you make.'

What external visitors have to say:

David Bartram OBE, conducted an SEN review of Bradway Primary School in June 2021. I have attached his report for you to read but in summary he was proud of our team, how happy the children were and how skilled the teachers and TAs were in their knowledge, understanding and provision for children with SEND. Without wanting to single anyone out as we are a team, I think it is important I mention just how impressed he was by the skill and expertise of our amazing SEN TA team, a team I am very proud to work alongside.


Bradway SEND information leaflet:  

Having a child who has additional needs can feel complex and overwhelming for parents and carers and we are here to help you understand the system and be an advocate for you and your child. The following documents have been put on our website to help.


Examples of paperwork used to support your child: 


Sheffield Support Grid Exemplification:

These grids are used by schools to assess a pupils’ level of need and access support and guidance on provision to put in place.  


Bradway Provision Map of interventions used to support our pupils in school: 



Useful website links and information for parents: 

Sensory Processing Difficulties: Autism Sensory Service: resources
Young minds - Child and Adult Mental Health ServicesA guide for young people Guide to CAMHS
Dyslexia friendly APPs 
Social , emotional and mental health:
Speech and language resources and support:
The full SEND code of practice can be found here.