Monday 25 Apr 2016

What a day!

An incredible morning was had by all in year 5 this morning. Mrs Roberts will be uploading more photos later although I've obviously put the most important one on already!!

The children were very well behaved (as you would expect) and seemed to really enjoy their day. They didn't even moan when we had to walk back up Twentywell Lane. Well done Year 5!

The children had an excellent coaching session (Joe Root joined in for a little while!). They also learned about the history of Yorkshire Cricket Club and watched some footage of their title winning season. 

It may be an idea to keep an eye on Look North this evening too as their cameras were there today.  The link for Look North is:


We feature from about 16 minutes.  I think the episode is only available until tomorrow night (26th April).

Many thanks,

Year 5 Team