Welcome back and Happy New Year!

Monday 04 Jan 2016

We hope you have all had a lovely festive time and are now ready to kick on with your learning in the Spring Term.

Today Mr Yates' maths group have begun our unit of work on ratio and proportion by using different quantities of orange juice and water and Miss Svoboda's group have begun their topic on shape, starting with angles.

We also started a new unit of work in Literacy - Non-Chronological Reports. We looked at weird and wonderful sea creatures and used evidence found in text to create what we thought the creatures would look like. 

Could we also remind parents that our trip to The Deep is on Friday 8th January and all consent forms must be returned by Wednesday at the latest. 

We also require that the children are at school by 8.00am to do checks and toilet stops before setting off as close to 8.15 as possible.

Many thanks in advance,

Mr Yates and Miss Svoboda.