17th November 2017

Friday 17 Nov 2017

Hi everyone, 
We've had a great week! Here's what we've been up to; 

In maths we've continued our topic on addition and subtraction, covering number bonds to 100 and using apparatus to help calculate number sentences. 

In literacy both classes have been working hard on learning how to write an excellent non-chronological report. See how many black mamba facts your child might know! Over the next few weeks we will be writing our own independent reports on one of four animals; a Tarantula, Bearded Dragon, Tree Frog or Royal Python. Please support your child to choose and research their animal in time for Monday 27th November. We will then all share our facts and figures to be super knowledgeable. 

Just a gentle reminder that our morning routine is to line up on the infant playground and walk round to our class independently from whoever is dropping us off. Thank you for your support in this.

Thanks for all the contributions to harvest festival food collection and for today's contributions to Children in Need. 

Have a great weekend, from all the Year 2 team.